Hobbit Troubles


For those of you waiting for the Hobbit movies to come out will just have to wait longer.

Now, according to the BBC we have union troubles.

Those contracts “provide no minimum guarantees of wages or working conditions”, no payment for future broadcasts and no cancellation payments, they said.

“The International Federation of Actors… resolved that the time had come for performers around the world to support their colleagues in New Zealand and seek a union contract for all performers on The Hobbit,” a statement said.

The FIA said producers have argued that entering into an agreement with the union would break New Zealand competition laws.

getthebigpicture.net points out the top three reasons why this movie can’t seem to get started.

– Guillermo del Toro leaving as director (granted, Peter Jackson stepped in, but a director leaving is a director leaving)
– MGM’s financial woes
– The film still not being greenlit by New-Line and MGM

In any event, those of you waiting to see The Hobbit will just have to wait longer.

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