
Conservatives really don’t believe in victims. If they would, it might sound something like they believe you are a “victim” of yourself. I’m pretty sure that is an accurate statement.

Liberals can’t exist without victims. Because of this, Conservatives and Liberals are diametrically opposed to each other. Its kind of like when you try to force two North poles of a magnet together. They repel each other.

Having said that, I’ll say this.

I believe that the democrats did willfully and knowingly try to destroy the U.S. economy before the 2008 presidential election. Why? If life doesn’t suck enough, you won’t vote for a different party. They also think that they are smart enough to fix it. They believe they are smart enough to tell you how to live. They needed disaster. Doom and gloom. Everything they do depends on misery. Someone somewhere has to be miserable. They aren’t needed otherwise. Why would we need the state to intervene if everything is fine? It can’t be fine if you are a Democrat.

Is it such a stretch to wonder as to whether the Democrats or their ilk are responsible for the BP oil spill in the gulf? I think they thought they could easily contain the spill but make a very serious point about off shore drilling. As with the economy, it’s not that simple. It’s not as easy as they thought it would be and we find ourselves in a very serious situation.

The children cannot be allowed to run the candy store any longer. It’s almost funny in that we believe that they might actually behave this time. Every time we do this country takes a serious hit. To quote the movie Animal House “Thank you sir, may we have another?”

How many economic hits? How many personal freedoms? How much federal government? How many man made disasters? How much domestic terrorism? How much taxpayer looting? How many more times do you need someone to tell you that you are a victim? How much longer do we really need a union for anything with all the federal laws protecting workers these days? How many more times do you need the Democratic Party to tell you how stupid you are?

Before you finally wake up.

If you don’t exercise and sit in air conditioning all day long chances are you’ll get fat.

Don’t be surprised when you do.

So when you wake up and find that you no longer have any personal freedoms because you thought Barrack Hussein Obama stood for hope and change…

…don’t be surprised when you have no hope and nothing has changed.

Moving The Office

Yes. It looks as though the time may have finally come for my company to move down to the 2nd floor of the CTI building.

I’ve been waiting for a few months for the office space to open up and it could happen as early as today.

Moving a studio is never fun.

We’ve grown in the last couple of months so its necessary.

Yet, its Memorial Day weekend.


(Update 06-04-10: Moving the office has not occurred as of yet. I’m told the official move will be this weekend!)

(Update 06-05-10: I am officially moved to the second floor of the CTI building! )

What I’ve been reading…

Quite a bit actually…

Starship Series by Mike Resnick is one of the most entertaining Sci-Fi reads you’ll ever have the pleasure of listening to on Audible. What makes this a great series in my opinion is the fact that Resnick writes in the occasional bathroom scene or repeatedly writes scenes around the mess decks. People have to eat and go to the bathroom and it’s usually always missing from other great series. Stupid? Yes. I think these things add realism to the series and again, Mike Resnick did one hell of a job on this. Highly recommended.

This is a drive by blog entry. I’ll add links to where you can find both the book and audio download later…

The Times Square “Walk-Through”

The bomb discovered in Times Square yesterday is most certainly startling but I’m afraid that we’re probably not looking at something that was attempted and failed but rather a very successful test run of bigger things yet to come.

Hypothesis: Is it possible to plant a car bomb in the very heart of Times Square successfully?

Answer: Yes. It is.

This just goes to show how vulnerable we still really are. At the very least, the folks who wish us harm now know that they can get a car full of explosives into New York City without much trouble.

I have no doubt that the United States will be hit again by terrorists. It would be unrealistic to assume otherwise. Muslims see the US as the biggest obstacle to their master plan so of course, we are a target. The evil west and all of that.

I would hope that when they hit us again we have a strong leader sitting in the White House. Someone that we could all rally behind in a time of great need.

The day is coming. We cannot afford to meet the day with someone in charge who has really never been in charge of anything. His professional credentials made up by a pool of Democrats who just didn’t have anyone else who could win on their own merits. Obama is our first “manufactured” president.

He was manufactured to do many things. Leading the nation, unfortunately, is not one of them.

When the next BIG DAY comes, I hope we have someone in charge who won’t simply pee his pants and ask for a PB and J when the going gets tough.

“The Man” is keeping me down

Ok. Maybe not “the man” but possibly the IP Police.

Yesterday, I tried to log into one of my websites and failed at least 5 times in a row. I couldn’t remember the password or something like that.

Right after that, I could help but notice that I couldn’t get into any of my own websites. Everything else was fine. YouTube, CNN, and theonion all worked but my sites didn’t. I didn’t really go to the CNN website. I put that on the list for dramatic effect.

Turns out that I suspect that after multiple log in failures, the server farm blacklisted me or blocked my IP or whatever.

So, “the man” isn’t really keeping me down he just kicked me out.

***Update*** The “Man” is really not impressed with me. He gave a bunch of sh** for changing the website that I signed up with and proceeded to yell at me because the domain name was no longer registered. I personally don’t think it’s any of their business anyway. I pay them for a working server farm not a broken one that blocks the owners IP address. The war continues…

*** Resolution *** My IP provider apologized for blocking my IP and restored my access. The reason I was blocked was because I tried to log in unsuccessfully too many times in a short amount of time.

Writing Stuff and Snowflake

/vent mode on

So, I am working on a short story and I am a big fan of the “snowflake” method. Really I am.

This is one of those mornings where the “snowflake” method is too constraining. I NEED just a touch more than one sentence for an opening synopsis but if I wish to remain true to the method, I must relent and re-write until I can get my idea down to one sentence.

A one sentence synopsis is very similar to the limit placed on Twitter users. Tweets are limited in size and thereby, force you to change the way you would normally write or try to convey an idea. It can be very tough.

My latest short story is called Bystander. If I can get by these limitations placed on me by the “snowflake” method I just may prevail this day.

/vent mode off

*** In unrelated news, Barrack Obama’s healthcare plan still sucks. ***

A Good Time


When taping a podcast, there are many factors that determine whether or not we actually “had” a good time. This week, we most certainly DID have a good time.

Right This Way is a wrap up style show that a bunch of us came up with months ago when Take That! Radio was at its peak as far as shows go.

We’ve since downsized to something a bit more manageable since Melissa Clouthier and a few other shows went off to do something new and exciting. Friday we taped another edition sponsored by GoDaddy.

I haven’t laughed that hard in months.

Jimmie Bise of The Delivery show fame led the charge.

You’ll also hear a side of Molly Teichman that you haven’t heard before.

A hard hitting first half of healthcare lead by a fired up Tabitha Hale was quickly lead by a break of about 70 minutes in which no one was safe from jokes and general good humor.

Leading into the second half, Andrew Lawton took a beating over a Hannah Montana ringtone and the show went downhill from there.

This edition of Right This Way is highly recommended.

Toilet Control

A friend asked me what I felt about healthcare, government programs, etc. the other day as it relates to congress and congressional duties and obligations.

My answer was simple.

I EXPECT the government to fulfill its constitutional mandates as written by our forefathers. I EXPECT no more and no less than that.

The forefathers HATED the idea of a federal government.

It grows out of control and breeds corruption.

The constitution doesn’t say that the government should educate my kids, run my healthcare plan, and tell me how many gallons the toilet in my home can use when it works its magic. Where is the FREEDOM in that?

Socialism works like that but a Republic should not.

The toilet thing should have been the wake up call.


The Fringe 411 Show

The latest podcast over at with my friends Tabitha Hale and Molly Teichman is awesome. An absolute joy to produce.


It’s the side of pop culture that you rarely see. Join Molly Teichman and Tabitha Hale as they discuss sword play, bulldozing, and gas pumping right here on the new Fringe 411 show.

Download MP3

Don’t Press That F1 Key!

Windows XP users beware.

Microsoft told Windows XP users today not to press the F1 key when prompted by a Web site, as part of its reaction to an unpatched vulnerability that hackers could exploit to hijack PCs running Internet Explorer (IE).

In a security advisory issued late Monday, Microsoft confirmed the unpatched bug in VBScript that Polish researcher Maurycy Prodeus had revealed Friday, offered more information on the flaw and provided some advice on how to protect PCs until a patch shipped.

“The vulnerability exists in the way that VBScript interacts with Windows Help files when using Internet Explorer,” read the advisory. “If a malicious Web site displayed a specially crafted dialog box and a user pressed the F1 key, arbitrary code could be executed in the security context of the currently logged-on user.”

Full article can be found here.


…you could just buy a Mac or install Linux Mint.

How Liberty Dies


The following story is a sad one for any number of reasons.

The couple own their house and their land. It stands to reason that they should be able to do anything they want with it. Ah, not so much.

As long as you own something that can be taken away from you by the government, then it isn’t really yours.

“I own my home.” No. No you do not.

The moment you violate some petty law or ordinance or forget to pay your taxes to the government they can step in and take it from you.

There is no sense in crying about it. You gave the government the authority to do so. How? Because, you didn’t say no. It is the law of unintended consequences. The law was probably meant for some other purpose originally. “We don’t want an eye sore in our community.”

Hence, the story of the day.

Some Southern California cities fine residents for watering their lawns too much during droughts.

But in Orange, officials are locked in a legal battle with a couple accused of violating city ordinances for removing their lawn in an attempt to save water.

The dispute began two years ago, when Quan and Angelina Ha tore out the grass in their frontyard. In drought-plagued Southern California, the couple said, the lush grass had been soaking up tens of thousands of gallons of water — and hundreds of dollars — each year.

They said they were trying to do something good for the environment.

Wow California what is more important to you?


This is why California is green but not really.

Germany 1 – Law Enforcement 0

In a recent development in the land of beer and sausage comes a striking blow to those who would like to store your personal communications information for a period of six months. You know. Just in case law enforcement might need it for something.

via Slashdot

Germany’s highest court on Tuesday overturned a law allowing authorities to retain data on telephone calls and e-mail traffic to help fight terrorism and crime. The Federal Constitution Court ruled that major changes needed to be made to a 2008 law ordering data on calls made from mobile or fixed-line telephones and e-mail traffic to be kept for six months for possible access by law enforcement agencies.

The judges said the data storage was not secure enough and that it was not sufficiently clear what it would be used for. A record number of almost 35,000 people, including current Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, had originally brought the case to the court. The law stems from a European Union directive.

The court said all data stored to date must be deleted immediately. It said the law went far beyond the requirements of the EU directive. The storage of data could “cause a diffusely threatening feeling of being under observation that can diminish an unprejudiced perception of one’s basic rights in many areas,” said the president of the court, Hans-Jürgen Papier.

Absolutely shocked? I was.

This is the European Union after all. Peace, love, socialism, and all of that.

If you take the time to read the article you’ll see that the fight isn’t over yet. The Germans would be ok with a law that had better defined parameters when it comes to the storage, use, and access of the data.

I suppose if you whack people with a stick long enough they might just get pissed off.

Federal Government and Internet

Of course, we all know that the government has been itching to grab more control of the internet with increased regulation, taxes, etc.

This article in The Registry should not surprise you.

The US government’s policy of leaving the Internet alone is over, according to Obama’s top official at the Department of Commerce.

Instead, an “Internet Policy 3.0” approach will see policy discussions between government agencies, foreign governments, and key Internet constituencies, according to Assistant Secretary Larry Strickling, with those discussions covering issues such as privacy, child protection, cybersecurity, copyright protection, and Internet governance.

The federal government octopus under the control of a liberal arm are trying to stretch their tentacles as far as possible. Healthcare, internet, the auto industry, and the banking system are just a few examples.

What do they want? Why, control of every aspect of your life is the goal. Silly.

Through a combination of government getting too big and the folks who vote and pay taxes becoming even dumber and more ignorant, the United States is now on the fast track to completely derailing this train riding down the constitution tracks.

It’s only a matter of time before the fed tells you what job you’ll have when you grow up, what house you can live in, and perhaps even who you can marry.

Sound familiar? It should. That is precisely what life was like in the USSR a few years ago.

Regulating Nature

Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

Regulation implies something which man controls.

Nature is something man does not control.

Somehow, we are supposed to believe that those two words go together.

They obviously do not.

CO2 or carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas. It is the by-product of the mammalian respiratory cycle. We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

That is a fact.

Plants use carbon dioxide for growth and expend oxygen in the process. We call this a “circle of life” if you will. A mutually beneficial relationship and one that has lasted for thousands of years.

Somehow. Somewhere in our recent history our elected officials think that they know better than nature and think that they somehow have the power to control one of these two elements.

The damaging component is the reason they believe the regulation is needed. Excessive carbon dioxide is leading to global warming. Have you looked outside lately? Warming? Seriously? This theory that carbon dioxide is a major player in the global warming hoax has been refuted and shown to be completely false.

With that being said, where are the calls in the senate for the brakes to be applied.

Trying to regulate nature based on a theory that has been proven wrong has to be the very definition of insanity.

If you are wondering why you should be looking forward to voting congress out of office, I believe this is just one small reason.

I have many many more.