Drive-By Blogging

Just a quick post and a reflection on what an elected representative is “supposed” to do.

You shouldn’t care about what a candidate feels about gun control, abortion, taxes, or anything else for that matter.

Yes. I just said that. Why?

Because we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. There is a difference.

Our elected officials (notice I don’t use “leader”) are supposed to do exactly what we tell them to. That’s why we shouldn’t call them leaders. They aren’t supposed to be leading anything. What they should be doing is exactly and precisely what we tell them to and nothing more.

They are supposed to be a servant of the people they represent. If I am concerned about a candidate’s position on gun control then I’m missing the point. We have seriously gotten away from what elected officials are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing.

Because we have been doing it wrong all of these years, now I really do have to worry about a candidate’s position on something.

This post is simply a vent. We can’t even get the basics correct and now we want those elected folks to “fix” our healthcare system?

Have we as a society completely lost our freakin’ minds or have we all gotten so lazy that we forget who forged the nation that we now take stewardship of?

If I were running for office, I believe my press conference would go something like this…

Me: Hi. My name is Mike Williams and I’m running for office.

Press: How do you feel about the healthcare debate?

Me: Really doesn’t matter now does it?

Press: I don’t understand.

Me: I’m not running for me. I’m running for you. I’m running to represent you and your neighbors views.

Press: So, you don’t have an opinion on the healthcare debate then?

Me: Why should I? Like I said. I represent you. You’d be better off asking yourself that question.

Press: What about gun control?

Me: Again, how do YOU feel about gun control? I have an opinion and it will be whatever the voters say it is. Have a nice day.

Too Busy to Live

That’s how I describe this week.

When you are so caught up in everyone else’s gig that you don’t even have time to connect with someone or watch the Apple launch yesterday then it’s time to take a break.

The Rub

This week started out bad for not only me but a bunch of friends with whom I work in new media.

Having gotten through most of the week, the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach is still there. Change is hard. This week I was forced into a decision that not only affected me but affected the people I work with as well.

While I’m still blessed to be able to work with most of those folks, it’s a precious few that I worry about losing. I tell myself that I can do without them but the reality is that I don’t want to.

The dust hasn’t settled from the A-Bomb that has been dropped but we are rebuilding and moving on with life.

Sometimes, something like this is precisely the kick in the ass that we all need to do better things; to make a difference; to change the world and be inspired to lead by example.

In all of this, there was a rub that I couldn’t identify and while my eyes were not yet opened nor my mind contemplating, it was my friends old and new who put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and so eloquently stated the bitter obvious. That thing which has eluded me and is an ache I continue to endure is so painfully clear now. It’s a marine named Steve, a writer called Sullivan, a Chiropractor named Melissa, a new friend named Art who have demonstrated a true understanding of the rub.

It is for those people that I give thanks this day.

New media wouldn’t be any fun without them and I’m honored to stand beside them.

Sunday around the Studio

As I watch Carolyn Porco on the Science Channel talk about the universe as if we actually know very much about it, I’m reminded of something I saw on Greta Van Susteren’s show on Fox News. It’s something that continues to bug me.

The guest she had on (Friday I believe) corrected another guest (lefty) who kept spewing these numbers out there as far as health care and the uninsured that were patently false and actually wouldn’t really make sense in any reality you happen to find yourself in.

The details of the exchange aren’t important. What upsets me when I watch this is the fact that Van Susteren doesn’t correct the guest. She didn’t even challenge him on his numbers. The right has a real serious problem with this.

Too many times we allow the left to throw a number at us and we don’t challenge them on it. When we do challenge them (rare. very rare) their argument collapses as it should. We just don’t do enough of it.

The conservatives need to start growing a pair and learn to open their mouths when the left throws numbers around. Most of the numbers are skewed or just completely made up.

I love to hear about the “far right” Fox News channel from the left. Let me fill you in on something here. It’s not that Fox News is far right. Because CNN, MSNBC, NBC, and ABC are so far left even the TV Guide Channel looks right leaning.

With my Sunday venting out of the way, let me just say that this week’s Brass Balls Radio is going to be a real treat. Thanks to everyone who participated! Steve Schippert. Jenny Erikson. DNACowboy.

The Trouble with Youth

It’s amazing to me. How attitudes and our paradigms change as we get older and hopefully wiser.

For you young people out there, believe it or not there may be a very good reason why you are not in charge of anything.

You don’t have experience. The trouble is that you can have an I.Q. of 175 and be the smartest person in the room but the bottom line is that you lack experience and experience is why people are put in charge.

I’m writing this about one young person in particular.

I saw an opportunity to take a week off from producing and decided to put this young person in charge in my absence.

Needless to say, this quickly took a wrong turn.

So much for some time off for me…

Trouble in Lebanon, PA.

Specter is not having a good day in PA today.

from WGAL

Questioner: I don’t think it is just about health care. This is about the dismantling of this country. I don’t want this country turning into a socialized country. When are you going to turn this country back to what our founders created, back to the constitution?

Specter: There are a few people who didn’t stand up and applaud, but not too many. When you ask me to defend the constitution, that’s what I’ve been doing.

Questioner: The government hasn’t done anything right. We cannot afford this. Period. Keep the government out of it we’re doing just fine.
Specter: I will not vote for a plan that has a deficit.

Modern Train Travel

I’m on an Amtrak train right now in total defiance of all the bad things that have been happening on them these days.

More legroom, power outlets, and just generally a cool experience.

I’m on my way to meet 2 members of the Take That! family and later tonight, we will be having a meetup at some location in Manhattan, NY.

Tabitha and Wendy will be worth the trip I’m sure!

I’ll be posting pictures as I can…

Man Tries to Blow Up Mattress instead Blows up House

This story comes from Reuters

BERLIN (Reuters) – A German who tried to fix his leaky air mattress blew up his apartment instead, the fire brigade in the western city of Duesseldorf said Wednesday.

The 45-year-old man used tire repair solvent to plug a hole in his airbed and left it overnight.

But it blew up when he went to inflate it the next day. “A spark from the electric air pump ignited it,” a fire brigade spokesman said.

The blast pushed his living room wall into the building’s stairwell and caused extensive damage to walls, windows and furniture.

Fire fighters evacuated the 12-apartment building and a neighboring housing block while they checked for structural damage.

The man suffered burns on his arms, while a three-year-old girl suffered first degree burns.

Changing the World

I will get to the point. Hang in there…

People are fat and overweight today more than ever before in United States history. Why? Air Conditioning. Video Games. Television.

Air Conditioning. It’s responsible for keeping the fat people on their fat ass. Why go outside? It’s HOT out there. I’d rather just sit in the air conditioning and do as little as possible. Like, watch television or playing video games. Remember the good old days when you actually went outside on purpose? You know. To play something or ride your bike or take a hike or run around with your friends…

Video Games. They are fun. They are time killers. They are NOT real. Just sayin’….

Television. Television wants you to watch what they put in front of you and when they put it in front of you. Be a good little consumer and just watch what we tell you to. Kind of like ABC’s Official Presentation of ObamaCare. For the record, lowest rated show of the night. Seems there Mr. President, people just aren’t that into you.

It’s hard to save the world from your bar-ca lounger. Raising awareness by changing the color of an icon does not translate into any type of kinetic energy and thusly will effect no change. Science. Bitches. It works.

Change begins with ideas but it doesn’t end there. Iran will never change until real action takes place. Protesting will only go so far as only one side has weapons. Very uneven and unfair fight on any level. The people may have the numbers but they don’t have the resources that the government has.

Ribbons and icons that tell me that you care more about Iran than I do will not impress me. As well it should not. Your caring can only mean something to one person and that person is you. Which could be continued by saying that the only thing you care about is you.

The person or persons that collect money, buy weapons, and give them to the Iranian people are the people that this old sailor will salute.

I believe it was Francois Guisot who said “Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head.”

The quote is wrongly attributed to Winston Churchill.

What does it mean? Idealism is a strong characteristic of the young. The young need to change the world and all of that. The ideology has become intertwined with a culture of sit on your ass in the air conditioning and play video games mentality. They would rather post something on Facebook, Twitter, or blog about it. While it makes them feel good it accomplishes nothing.

The real people of change are long gone. They are gone because those values are gone. Can you imagine a world void of religious values?

Sure you can. America is becoming that place. While Islam becomes stronger and countries continue to yield to the cult, Christianity and similar religions are dropping their numbers.

We are becoming France and Canada. We outsource everything. We import everything. We produce nothing.

The government stepped in and destroyed the banking system and the auto industry. Health care is next.

Will we stop it? No.


Because we’re too busy sitting in our air conditioned homes, eating fried chicken, watching Oprah, and playing the next big thing on our PlayStation.