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Apple Migration Update

Another few days, another update.
Although I can read the update summary as well as anyone else, I’m still not sure what this update actually does.
I’m sure it’s important though.
Google’s Mail Goggles
I’m sure you’ve all heard of “beer goggles” but here comes something really cool and really necessary for a few folks. (I used to need this but since I don’t really even drink an occasional adult beverage anymore, it doesn’t apply to me.)
If you have Google Mail or GMail, this option can be turned on inside of your preference settings. It’s under “Labs.”

The idea is that before you are allowed to send an email, you must first answer a few math questions. Obviously, if you’ve had too much to drink you will not be able to answer them and can avoid sending an email that you possibly shouldn’t.
Here’s Tekzilla’s Patrick Norton explaining the feature.
Mac OS X Security Update

Get er done!
See No Ebil
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Devil Bones: A Quick Summary

Prepare to be either pleasantly surprised or possibly disappointed.
I liked the book. If you watch Bones on Fox then the Temperance Brennan you see will be slightly different than the one in the book.
The Dr. Brennan in the book is more real and much more human than the one on television. She doesn’t have an FBI love interest although she has better relationships in the book. In fact, her relationships are most of what you’ll read about while she investigates her case.
The book version of Temperance also has a grown daughter.
The book version is not a walking lethal weapon either. She is a real woman with real issues. She’s not as cold as the character on television.
I loved the book. Now, I have to get more of these. I was pleasantly surprised and I’m sure you will be too.
I strongly suggest this book.
iTunes versus Amazon
Amazon sells more than books. They also sell music. They don’t have a handy little app like iTunes to help you navigate and browse around looking for music but if you can type it in the search field and it exists, chances are that Amazon has it.
They have no DRM attached to the file either. You buy it. It’s yours. You can play it on any MP3 device you like.
For the past few years, even knowing that Amazon was selling MP3s without DRM wasn’t enough to sway me to buying my songs from Amazon.
I decided to change my credit card in iTunes.
I have tried numerous times to change my credit card within iTunes and I usually get a ‘your card information doesn’t match what the bank says.’ Meanwhile, literally everyone else is accepting my new bank card and as well they should, it’s a valid card.
Because of all of these needless iTunes problems with simply changing credit cards, I have made the switch to Amazon. I had to change my credit card information with Amazon and had absolutely no trouble doing so.
iTunes never even presented me with a number to call to help me fix the problem. Just gave me an error message and nothing more.
Now I give them nothing more too. Right back at ya! 🙂
Great Election Resource

This website will tell you how a state voted in the past presidential elections going back until the late 60’s.
They also have an indicator of how they think a state will go in 2008 based on the polling data. Needless to say, they expect Obama to win just about every state.
Fear not. They said the exact same thing before the last election and the polls and pollsters couldn’t have been more wrong.
My Kitteh Crashed!
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Happy Birthday Michele!

It’s my sister’s 40th birthday. It seems like only yesterday that we were both wearing matching “Winnie The Pooh” sweaters and getting our picture taken together.
Most folks thought we were twins. I was 5 years old. My sister was 4.
That was so long ago.
I had long brown hair and my uncle Dave called me “Hippie.”
My uncle Tom called my sister “Chele Belle” which she hated.
36 years later, my sister is a grandmother.
iTunes Update 8.0.1
Mac Heads. Run Software Update for the latest. Hopefully, they’ve fixed all of the buggy crap.

Funny Picture
via email…

Countdown Widget Hacked?

I couldn’t help but notice that my election countdown widget in the sidebar is saying “George W. Bush is EXIT.”
Me thinks that it’s been hacked. Stay tuned.
Update: (8:51 am) – I sent a message to the widget “distributors.”
A Pirate Problem

You may or may not have heard about the Pirate problem off the coast of Africa. This region has been plagued with pirate activity for about as long as anyone can remember.
The international community is stepping up and now providing extra ships and manpower to combat this problem.
from the Times Online…
Europe is setting up an anti-piracy taskforce to help protect the lawless sea lanes off east Africa, where heavily armed Somali hijackers have overrun more than 30 ships this year and raked in at least $30 million in ransom.
At least 10 European Union countries have volunteered to contribute to the joint air and sea operation, which is expected to comprise three frigates, three surveillance vessels and a supply ship.
Britain has indicated its probable support for the taskforce, which could be in place within days to help combat pirates who have stepped up their hostile attacks 100 per cent in the last year.
This will effectively put the pirate trade out of business in the region.
The pirate trade was successful because it was small and relatively harmless in the grand scheme of things. I’m not downplaying the murder, mayhem, and other bad things they have done. I’m trying to put them in perspective. They stayed out of site for the most part and didn’t attract too much attention.
They didn’t need all of this attention and now, it looks like the party may be over. Whether by greed, a healthy dose of stubbornness, or a mixture of the two it looks like the pirates have attracted the wrong kind of attention.
It effect, they’ve made themselves “walk the plank.”
He Taked My Spot!
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Java Update for OS X 10.5

There is also an HP Driver update that shows up after you do the Java update.
I’m just sayin’
Real Government Relief: Buy My Shitpile
Top Ten Anti-McCain Digg Articles

I’ve written about web bias before. The reason that I singled out Digg was because of the many occasions that I’ve heard the CEO Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose talk about how much Digg is user driven. While that may actually be true, I’ve always found it odd that when it comes to Obama and McCain, I never see a positive article about John McCain. Statistically speaking, Digg should have accidentally posted a postive McCain article by now.
This morning, I thought I’d look at my newsreader and see where we stand on our postive McCain articles on the Digg website. This is what I found.
I looked at the stories that landed on the Digg front page from 12:01am Saturday morning until this morning at 5:40am. The mission: to see how many Pro-McCain articles I could find and count how many Anti-McCain articles I found. Here are the results.
I left Sarah Palin stories out of it.
Pro-McCain stories = 0
Anti-McCain stories = 11
Of the 11 Anti-McCain stories, 6 of them were from Apparently, Digg is a Huffington Post mirror site. The other stories came from CBS News, UPI, Newsweek, New York Times, and Eyes On Obama.
Here are the Huffington Post headlines…
1. Bush Official: Bailout Likely, McCain Lost PR Battle
2. First Debate: Reviews Go To Obama
3. Max Bergmann: Major Gaffe: McCain Said Pakistan Was a Failed
4. Debate Fact Check-McCain Lied About Financial Crisis Warning
5. Obama To McCain: On Iraq, “You Were Wrong”
6. Obama Slams McCain For Not Mentioning Middle Class
The remaining 5 headlines are…
7. CBS Poll: Obama Won The Debate
8. McCain dead wrong about Kissinger’s stance on talk with Iran
9. Freddie Mac Money Trail Catches Up With McCain
10. McCain and Team Have Many Ties to Gambling Industry
11. McCain Has Worst Attendance Record in Washington
At least, 4 years ago MTV was nice to him. Here’s a piece from that interview…
MTV News, 2004: Four years from now, whether or not the president is re-elected, is there a chance we might see the “Straight Talk Express” hitting the road again?
John McCain: I think it’s very unlikely. … We had a kind of magical moment [in 2000]. A lot of things came together that I think would be very difficult to do again. And one thing I would hate to be is somebody who goes back in and would lose. … It’s a long time away, but I doubt it. [Smiling.] I’m not gettin’ any younger!
Ahhh, on second thought, perhaps he will run again. Who knew?
Top 10 Brain Myths
I found this article during my morning read. I can’t say that I agree with everything 100% because of speculation on the part of the author or the “so-called” scientific expert.
Here’s a small blurb about alcoholism…

Even in alcoholics, alcohol use doesn’t actually result in the death of brain cells. It can, however, damage the ends of neurons, which are called dendrites. This results in problems conveying messages between the neurons. The cell itself isn’t damaged, but the way that it communicates with others is altered. According to researchers such as Roberta J. Pentney, professor of anatomy and cell biology at the University at Buffalo, this damage is mostly reversible.
Paul Newman: R.I.P.

He’ll be missed.
from the Washington Post…
Paul Newman, 83, the actor and sex symbol who surged to stardom by playing loners as well as criminal and moral outlaws — anything to downplay his astonishing looks — died of cancer Friday at his farmhouse near Westport, Conn.
Newman was an Academy Award-winning actor and acclaimed director, and he used his fame to propel his political activism, race car driving and philanthropy. He donated all the profits from his Newman’s Own food company — more than $250 million — to charities and social welfare organizations.
In The “Q” and Updates: An Update
I’m just dumping a bunch of posts I’ve been holding onto because of a project I have been working on this week and my keyboard problem. (see below)
Sorry. It looks like I’m going post crazy but I’m really not.
The Rooster Banged Out Sick
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The Book of Lies: A Short Review
I just finished reading The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer. By reading, I mean I listened to the audio version by
This book is a long one to read and listen to but I have to admit that it’s well worth it. The author put at least 2 years of research into the book and it really came through loud and clear.
If you like hearing about the story of Cain and Abel, Superman, and World War II Nazi’s and their history all tied together in a great big mystery thriller, you’ll love this book.
Grab a copy in hardback on or grab the audiobook from
It’s worth it.
The “N” Key Story
I have (and love) my MacBook Pro laptop and use it for everything from podcasting to video production to…
Right after I got the laptop on the very same day, in fact, the “N” key popped off. One of the plastic pieces that are used to keep it in place broke leaving me with an “N” key that is hanging on to the rest of the keyboard for dear life. After a few keystrokes, it would come loose and I’d have to push it back in place again.
Well, during the week the key popped off and this time, it refused to semi-click back into place. In essence, it is now no longer even semi-secured to the keyboard.
During this whole thing, my father offered to call Apple and see if they could send me a replacement “N” key to simply snap back into place. Apple’s response was…
…”ahh, no.” We’ll replace your entire keyboard but the “N” key by itself is simply out of the question. This exchange between Apple and my father went on for about a week. My father lost the battle. Apple will not send out an “N” key by itself. If anything happens to your keyboard at all, Apple will replace the whole thing.
I just didn’t want to be without my laptop for any length of time. The compromise will be waiting while a local technician makes the repairs and changes out the keyboard with me watching him/her.
I haven’t made the reservations or called the technicians yet. In the meantime, I bought a HP USB 2.0 keyboard at Wal-Mart to hold me over. Of all of the keys on your keyboard, the “N” key is one of the most pressed.
At least, when you don’t have it you think it’s the most pressed!
I’ll let everyone know how the repair goes. It should happen sometime this week.