The 13 Days of D & D Characters

I am OFF from work and on vacation for about 13 days. I’ve decided to create a new D & D Character for each day that I am off.

I have no idea what I’ll come up with but I am using both D & D Beyond to save the characters and I am using the names suggested in the Player’s Handbook.

Should be fun.

You’re not my dad, Apple

Great article today by the Macalope.

Apple’s banning of vaping apps, of course, does not affect the Macalope at all. And he’d never want Apple to risk the security of iOS by allowing any app into the store. But adults should be able to make adult choices. The Macalope would rather be able to make them without having to switch to Android to do it. He’s certainly not going to do that. His lifestyle of donuts and drinking is dangerous enough.


Agree. I think Apple is protecting itself but from outside of Cupertino it looks a lot like adulting from someone other than an adult.

Why Windows Sucks – Part 11,492

If you have an update on an Apple MacBook Pro, you’ll get a notification. You can then update at your leisure. Only on a critical software patch will Apple ever “force” an update on you.

On the other hand, Microsoft does not. They FORCE updates on you constantly and even when they are not critical patches or updates. I needed to quickly get into my Windows 10 virtual machine the other morning only to find this…

This makes the update experience on Microsoft software so painful and sometimes a serious problem. There are critical times where you need to be able to get into your machine in a hurry. Microsoft would rather stand in the way. This is not a good user experience for anyone.