Outlook 2019

Microsoft Outlook 2019

I have been trying to get the new version of Outlook to work on my MacBook Pro for about as long as I can remember. We use an older version where I work and I have always wanted to try the newer shinier version. You know, because I am a geek.

This morning I had a revelation concerning settings and I tried it.

It worked.

The new version seems pretty cool.

Now, if we could only do something about Communicator…

Microsoft Outlook Kudos

I noticed a small issue with Outlook 2010. I use it at my day job. If I compose a message but decide not to send it, I’ll choose to delete the draft. Outlook marks the message as “unread” and then puts it in the trash.

Because I may suffer from a touch of OCD, seeing that there was an unread message in my trash bothered me.

I tweeted about it.

The Outlook team responded.

That is cool.